Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Average ratng: 5,0/5 9712 reviews

Wire-Haired Pointing Griffon, also known as a Slovakian Wire-Haired Pointing Griffons. The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a rare breed in the United States with very few puppies born each year. This dog's origin traces back to a famous Dutch breeder by the name of E. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon male/female dog name ideas Lucy Sadie Ginger Sassy Bella Angel Leah Vicki Venus Misty Sugar Zara Lola Sandy Lily Penny Pepper Sheba Missy Brandy Coco Annie Molly Maggie Daisy Flora Tasha Baby.

TemperamentThe Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a loyal, skilled energetic field dog. It is intelligent and makes a distinguished gundog and tracker. These excellent hunting companions can point and retrieve with a deliberate style, generally staying within the hunter's gun range. Especially good for hunters on foot, it combines the ability to be directed by the hunter with the ability to think independently.

It has an exceptionally fine sense of smell and a great passion for the hunt, especially for quail and hare. Friendly, lively and active, the breed works well in marshland and upland, and is a fine pointer, flusher and water retriever. The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon's coat protects him from dense brush and bad weather.

Very loving, it is also an excellent family pet, gentle and affectionate with children. It is very eager and willing to please and is easily trained.

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If not properly socialized, exercised and given enough mental stimulation, it can be rather high-strung and nervous with strangers and unfamiliar situations. Dogs that do get enough exercise are generally friendly toward strangers, other dogs and pets. Socialize extensively when young and be sure to always be the. This breed is an excellent watchdog. Height, WeightHeight: 20 - 24 inches (50 - 60 cm)Weight: 50 - 60 (23 - 27 kg). Health ProblemsSome lines are prone to hip dysplasia. Living ConditionsThe Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is not recommended for apartment life.Will not do well left in a kennel or backyard.It is moderately active indoors and will do best with at least a large yard.It prefers cool climates.

ExerciseWirehaired Pointing Griffons are super high-energy dogs. They need to be taken on or out for a run. They will make excellent jogging companions and love to swim. If these dogs are allowed to get bored, and are not walked or jogged daily, they can become destructive, high-strung and start to display a wide array of. Life ExpectancyAbout 10-12 years Litter SizeAbout 6 to 9 puppies GroomingBrush and comb the harsh coat once or twice a week. The ears should be cleaned and plucked of hair within the canal in order to avoid ear problems. Show dogs need stripping and trimming.

Some pet owners have their dogs professionally groomed once or twice a year to keep them looking their best. The Griffon sheds little to no hair, but must be stripped so new hair can grow. OriginThe Wirehaired Pointing Griffon was developed sometime around 1870 by a Dutch breeder named Eduard Korthals.

An enthusiastic hunter, his goal was to breed a dog that would hunt in all kinds of terrain. Korthals mixed German Griffons, French and German Pointers, Spaniels, and a Setter. He developed the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon in his breeding program in less than 20 years, writing a standard, and in 1916 formed the Griffon Club of America. The dogs excel in small-game hunting, such as hare and quail; they are eager hunters with fine noses. That same year he showed sixteen Wirehaired Pointing Griffons at the Westminister Kennel Club Dog Show in New York. In the 1980s a select few breeders decided to mix the into the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon lines.

This caused an uproar and the American Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Association was formed with the goal of preserving the purity of the original breed. The American Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Association is the AKC parent club for the WPG. The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon was recognized by the AKC in 1887.

Ohhhhh, whoa! In case you missed, I did something really awesome and amazing! I'm pretty sure no dog has ever done this before.I had puppies! Can you believe it?They are the most beautiful little things you've ever seen, of course. That Naughty Mama keeps taking their pictures and making movies and the little Bossman, he just loves them!Yesterday we all went out to play except NM didn't know it was feeding time and then I put those babies down for a nap so I could have the little Bossman all to myself! The little Bossman is my best friend, well most of the time. Sometimes he drives me crazy, but that's what best friends do.Go to my Facebook Page and see my babies 3 week pictures.

I don't think they do them justice, but NM said she didn't have time to fancy them up because the little Bossman had a show at school.The NM says to let you know we still have puppies available and if you're interested, you should complete the puppy application. Big Daddy will call you after he gets the application.I don't have a lot of time to write stuff so, keep checking Facebook for NM's pictures! We're excited to announce that after a restless night, starting around 6 o'clock this morning, Sage Camille has successfully whelped a beautiful litter of 9!Mama and pups are doing great and I am adding Canine Midwife to her resume! In all of his years of dog breeding and training, Jason was never on the 'receiving end' of a whelping. He successfully drank a full pot of coffee and prepared the kennel during delivery while I assisted Sage.

This being her first litter, it took her a pup or 2 to get it figured out, but once she did, she was a champ!I couldn't be prouder! The little Bossman is going to be so excited to see these puppies when he gets home from school today! He went down to grandma's after puppy number 1 came along. My babies are getting big and starting to eat their own food. I'm not sure what it means, but I heard daddy say they all have new homes to go to in about 3 weeks. He says 4 are staying in Florida and 3 are going 'up north' to South Carolina, North Carolina and Connecticut.

Mama says that means she gets to go on a road trip! Some of my babies have names too. Daddy has a hard time remembering them but Mama seems to have it figured out. She's going to post some more pictures this week, so be sure to come back and take a look!Ok, gotta go, I think I hear Daddy coming to take me for a ride! Vampyre nation.