Fatal Labyrinth Manual

Fatal Labyrinth Manual Average ratng: 5,0/5 7920 reviews

Proximity fuse. Although the end result is a copy of Fatal Labyrinth that is complete and in excellent condition, I’m considering my upgrade method a bit of fail. Some time ago I got the copy you see on the left. It is in great shape but it did not have a manual. Much more recently I found the copy on the right on ebay for $15.25 including shipping.

This is a list of VGCollect users who have Fatal Labyrinth in their Sell List. Fatal Phantom is the first class to prominently wield their physical sub-weapon in their idle pose. As Fatal Phantom, Chung inexplicably gains more dark tips to his hair. Unlike Chung's other job paths, Fatal Phantom's voice is changed to resemble a 'silent emotionless assassin', being more soft and menacing.

The new copy has some damage but I was going for the manual to complete my first copy. I didn’t really stop to think that I have now spent $15.25 on a manual. That’s a lot of money when I think of it that way.


True I have this other copy that I could sell or trade but I’ve been pretty bad at posting my doubles and extras. Ice age village game app. I’ll have to get off my butt and make something happen.What I only just noticed today when taking the pictures below is that these copies are very different. Both are Genesis but the layout is quite different.

Fortunately the cover I like more is in better condition.One in very good shape, the other a little beat-up.